
(Course 2019 Würzburg/Germany)

Through this course, Ms Rosar gave me access to understand Bach’s music in a way that I have never experienced before.
Ms Rosar’s positive approach and her insight gave me confidence to want to learn to understand Bach’s music in the minutest detail. The Course was the first step in this process, in which you submerge yourself deep in Bach’s music.
I became aware that an intensive immersion into Bach’s music opens up the senses to all other types of music. In the course, we – the participants, approached Bach’s works through different methods. Apart from the theoretical input, and the pianistic/technical approach, we learned the dance of the structures, the cutting up and putting together the notes and motives in methodological repertoire. A holistic approach.

C. K. Music teacher, and piano teacher

Eine auditiv gelernte Melodie spielen

To learn and play a melody after listening to it.

We learn a fugue theme and understand its character through dancing activities

It was terrific! Like last time, Inge Rosar, immersed us all into the wonderful world of Bach. She does this with a personal, inspiring and very clear way (no wonder, listening to her Bach playing!). Professionals as well as amateurs can all learn from her knowledge, approach to Bach’s music, and the variety of her methods! Inge Rosar offers many different approaches to learning, so that there is something for everybody. The lessons are diverse and intensive, and throughout, Inge Rosar creates a very warm, humorous and comfortable atmosphere. A huge thank you!!!

Ulrike Danne-Feldmann aus Bad Soden C.K. Music teacher, and piano teacher

It was great! Even today I am under a very strong impression, and would like to go back and continue participating in the masterclass. A paradox: these two days of intensive concentration, full of new ideas and encouragement didn’t lead to tiredness or exhaustion, but quite the oppsite to a strong energy boost, that I felt yesterday on the way to the train station, and that hasn’t subsided yet.

A big thank you to Ms Rosar for these wonderful days!

Anna A. Piano teacher from Hamburg

To recognize structures and phrases and learn to observe their positions within a fugue.